Making play dough

One of the children's favourite activities continues to be play dough,  we always make our own and whenever we do, we always have a table full of children keen to take part! One of the parents recently asked for our recipe - read on to learn more....

There is plenty of learning to be had in making play dough, covering all the areas of learning in our curriculum

One of the important things to grasp at an early age is sharing and turn taking,(personal, social and emotional development) we can have as many as 10 children waiting patiently around a table to make play dough, they also work together as 2 children measure out ingredients together.

When the dry ingredients have all been careful measured (maths) we ALL have a go at mixing, before adding oil and food colouring. Referring to the recipe (language and literacy) the mixture is then taken in to the kitchen. We use a recipe that requires boiling water and the children all know this need sot be added away from them for safety (understanding the world).

When it is all mixed together we portion it out (more maths). Then it's up to them.... we get cake making, cutting (physical) and often the unexpected.

.We made two lots, one red and one blue and I asked the children what they thought might happen, some suggested, as I had hoped, that it would change colour, but someone suggested it might explode!!

It hasn't happened yet, but who knows, despite our following the same recipe every time, we never get 2 batches the same!! Why not try for yourselves, you just need:

2 cups plain flour

0.5 cup of salt

2 tablespoons of cream of tartar

2 tablespoons of oil

1.5 cups of boiling water