Christmas craft and decorations

The children have been busy for some time making calendars and cards to take home, but throughout December they have been making decorations for nursery

Having collected the Christmas tree on the tractor and trailer the children enjoyed decorating it - although some tweaking was necessary as one branch ended up with most of the baubles on it!!

They also made glittery pine cone decorations and enjoyed first mixing, then cutting out salt dough shapes before painting them Christmas silver and gold!


They also made glittery pine cone decorations and enjoyed first mixing, then cutting out salt dough shapes before painting them Christmas silver and gold!



The After School children concentrated to make pomanders - decorations made from oranges and cloves, which smelled as well as looked good


Although it was an activity planned for the school children, the older nursery children were keen to have a go, real  honing their fine motor skills, they really surprised us with their dexterity.