Christmas Zoo Labs

Today the children had a very special visit from Zoo Labs where we got to meet a variety of animals.

The Christmas ranger was able to introduce us to a variety of animals that we don't normally see

She brought some Giant African Land Snails, they are much bigger than ours as ours are still only babies.

The children were very careful when handling them and listened well to the ranger to ensure they weren't harmed.

The ranger also brought a Bearded Dragon for the children to see and touch.

We had to be extremely careful so as not to startle the animal. The children were much braver than their parents.

Children have a drive for discovery and what better way to support this learning than by experiencing real life things. Montessori believes that children are little scientists in that they are eager to observe and discover "what if". Overbury Grasshoppers embraces a variety of different approaches to teaching and learning. To find out more about the Montessori way of teaching click here