The children have been learning about where our food comes from during British food fortnight. We have talked about the sheep and pigs on the estate being turned into food as well as watching the combine harvester collect the wheat earlier in the year.
Overbury Grasshoppers News
Christmas is coming
- 4 Dec 2020
- Festivals, Overbury Farms
The children have been helping to decorate one of the nursery trees today with some of their homemade decorations. They have all been very excited as they start to put their trees up at home. We will also have a real tree kindly given to us by Overbury Enterprises which will arrive next week.
Growing and baking bread
- 13 Aug 2020
- Countryside education, Overbury Farms
The children have been very busy this week learning about growing, harvesting and baking.
Fun climbing
- 24 Sep 2019
- Countryside education, Overbury Farms
The children have been talking about the 3 little pigs and the house of straw so farmer Jake brought us a straw bale to climb on.
Harvesting peas
- 8 Aug 2019
- Countryside education, Nature, Overbury Farms
We went to watch the combine harvester harvest the pea crop that has been growing near the nursery. We could hear it from the nursery so followed the sounds until we discovered it in a field nearby.
Leavers 2019
- 23 Jul 2019
- Overbury Farms, Overbury village, Parental involvement
The children who will be leaving grasshoppers for school were very excited as we celebrated their learning journey with a picnic party.
- 12 Apr 2019
- Countryside education, Overbury Farms
The children were very excited to be able to explore the yellow grass field.
Worm counting
- 11 Apr 2018
- Countryside education, Overbury Farms, Understanding of the World
Today the children have been involved in helping to count worms out on the farm as part of a nationwide worm count to discover the health of the soil around the country.
Learning Welsh on St Davids day
- 1 Mar 2017
- Overbury Farms, Parental involvement, Understanding of the World
Today Reg, Eliza's daddy and the shepherd from the estate came into nursery to help us celebrate St David's day and learn some Welsh
Planting seeds
- 26 Jan 2017
- Latest News, Nature, Overbury Farms, Understanding of the World
The children visited the estate garden this cold wintery morning to help Leigh plant some salad corn seeds.