Making our own meals

Following some very successful savoury baking recently, with quiches sent home and lots of favourable feedback. The children have been very hands on with the preparation of their own tea! They have made individual muffin pizzas, and quiches – ham or cheese and tomato .

The quiches had one very special ingredient - pheasant eggs,which we were given after our trip to the hatchery. This gave us the perfect opportunity to follow up the learning started on this trip!


They have also helped in the preparation of the vegetables for a shepherd’s pie, even mashing the potatoes!


We have found this a really good opportunity for the children to learn where their food comes from, linking in with all of the gardening they have been enjoying doing recently.

The children are really enjoying being involved and clearly proud of their efforts, they often eat better when they have taken part in the meal's preparation!